Kenya Pipeline Company News

Kenya Pipeline Company is the leading provider of water, wastewater and stormwater treatment services in Central Ohio. They currently serve the Columbus metro area including Delaware County and surrounding areas. If you are looking to stay up-to-date on the latest news and events affecting Kenya Pipeline Company, you can’t miss out on our latest blog post! Here is your chance to get an inside look at what you can expect from Kenya Pipeline Company in the future!


Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) is a company that provides natural gas to Kenya. KPC was founded in 1978 and is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya.

Kenya Pipeline Company Regional Office news:

Kenya Pipeline Company Regional Office news is updated on a regular basis. Information about the company’s projects, business news, and updates on the regional office are all featured.

Kenya Pipeline Company Conference and Expo news

Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) is hosting its first conference and exposition in Nairobi from August 29 to September 1, 2017. The event will provide an excellent opportunity for pipeline operators, investors, and other stakeholders to meet and discuss the latest developments and opportunities in the Kenyan oil and gas sector. The conference will include keynote addresses by KPC’s Chairman Sam Ongeri, Kenya’s Minister of Energy, Water and Petroleum Resources David Bahati, and representatives from major oil companies such as Chevron, Halliburton, Total SA, ENI, and Anadarko Petroleum.

The exhibition will feature a wide range of products and services related to the Kenyan oil and gas industry. exhibitors include equipment suppliers such as Schlumberger Ltd., mining companies such as De Beers Group Ltd., engineering firms such as AECOM LLP, financial institutions such as Standard Bank Plc., transport companies such as Kenya Railways Corp., landowners involved in oil concessions such as Wamala Estate Ltd., service companies such as Falcon Oil Services Ltd., KPC’s subsidiary Kalua Holdings Ltd., and more.

Register now for the conference!

News for employees, stakeholders, and our communities

Kenya Pipeline Company is committed to providing timely, accurate and up-to-date information about the company and its operations. This blog section will provide news and updates about the company and its stakeholders.

We hope you enjoy the updates!


Thank you for reading our latest Kenya Pipeline Company news article. Here, we will be providing you with the latest information on this important industry player as well as highlighting some of the key trends that are currently impacting the Kenya pipeline industry. We hope that this information proves useful and that it helps you to stay ahead of the competition. Thank you again for reading and have a great day!

KPC portal

The Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) website is the one-stop shop for all your pipeline information needs. Here you will find news, events, regulatory updates, job postings and more. Keep up to date with all the latest industry happenings by visiting the KPC portal regularly!

Kenya Pipeline departments

Kenya Pipeline Company News is a blog that covers all the latest news about Kenya Pipeline Company.

Kenya pipeline company website

Kenya Pipeline Company website provides valuable information about the company and its pipeline projects. The website is easy to navigate and provides detailed information about each project, including descriptions of the landowner and the environmental impact assessment. The website also includes a Frequently Asked Questions section, as well as a blog where company officials discuss recent developments in the pipeline industry.

Kenya Pipeline Company employees

Kenya Pipeline Company is a privately owned oil and gas company based in Nairobi, Kenya. The company was founded in 2006 by a group of experienced oil and gas executives. The company has significant interests in the Tana Delta region of Kenya, which is one of the most promising oil and gas provinces in Africa. Kenya Pipeline Company currently operates three main pipelines: the Tana River Pipeline, the Athi River Pipeline, and the Lamu-Lamu Pipeline.
The Tana River Pipeline transports crude oil from the Lamu-Lamu Basin to Nakuru Port for export. The Athi River Pipeline transports crude oil from the Athi Basin to Mombasa for export. The Lamu-Lamu Pipeline transports natural gas from Turkana County to Mombasa for onward shipment to Europe and other parts of the world.
Kenya Pipeline Company is headquartered in Nairobi and has approximately 1,000 employees.

Kenya pipeline company location

Kenya pipeline company location is located in the Great Lakes Region of Kenya. The region has a warm climate and is ideal for oil and gas exploration. The region is also home to a large population of wildlife, which makes it an important location for the pipeline company.

KPC company

The Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) is one of the leading pipeline companies in Kenya. KPC was established in 1969 and operates a fleet of more than 100 oil and gas pipelines. The company’s assets include the main Kenyan Crude Oil pipeline, which transports crude oil from the Lamu Basin to the port of Mombasa, and the Kenya Gas Pipeline, which transports natural gas from Rift Valley to the Kenyan coast.
In addition to its pipeline operations, KPC also owns and operates a refinery in Kisumu and a power plant in Eldoret. The company has an active exploration program that is focused on developing new oil and gas reserves.

Former md Kenya Pipeline

Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) is a subsidiary of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). KPC commenced operations in Kenya in 2003. The company’s primary interests are in the development and operation of oil and natural gas pipelines. In 2014, KPC acquired a 40% stake in Kenya’s second largest pipeline operator, Kenyan Pipeline Authority (KPA). The acquisition was made to strengthen KPC’s position in the country’s energy sector.

Kenya Pipeline management team

Kenya Pipeline Company management team is committed to providing timely, accurate and reliable information to the public. Our website is updated regularly with the latest news and information about our company.

Kenya Pipeline Internship 2022

Looking for an internship in the oil and gas industry? Check out Kenya Pipeline Company! We are a leading oil and gas company in Kenya and we are looking for talented interns to join our team.

As a pipeline intern at Kenya Pipeline Company, you will be responsible for a variety of tasks. You will be working on projects that involve drilling, transporting and distributing oil and gas products. You will also be involved in marketing and business operations.

If you are interested in working with a top oil and gas company in Kenya, then please apply today!

Kenya Pipeline Company Board of Directors

Kenya Pipeline Company Board of Directors Announces Appointment of a New Chief Financial Officer

The Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) Board of Directors has appointed Mr. James Omondi as the new Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately. Mr. Omondi joins KPC from the Heritage Group, where he served as the Group Controller. In this role, he was responsible for overall financial and operational performance at Heritage Group’s subsidiaries, including KPC.

“We are excited to have James join our team as we continue to executing on our growth strategy,” commented Patrick Mburu, Chairman of the KPC Board of Directors. “His experience and expertise in financial management will be instrumental in support of our key objectives as a publicly-listed company.”

Prior to joining Heritage Group, Mr. Omondi worked for seven years with Ernst & Young LLP, most recently as a Partner in their Corporate Finance Practice in Kenya. He also spent two years with Credit Suisse First Boston in their Corporate Finance Practice and one year with Macquarie Bank Ltd., where he was a Manager in the Investment Banking Division. He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and

Kenya Pipeline Company Jobs 2022

Looking for a career in the oil and gas industry? Check out Kenya Pipeline Company jobs!

This company offers a variety of career paths, including production, drilling, engineering, and support roles. You can find all the latest job postings on their website.

Kenya Pipeline Company is a leading provider of crude oil and natural gas transportation services in East Africa. They operate several pipeline systems that transport oil and gas from the Kenyan coast to ports in Tanzania and Uganda.

If you’re interested in working in the oil and gas industry, be sure to check out Kenya Pipeline Company jobs!

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